Archive for May 29, 2012

E-Book: Apple and the large editors would make pay the customers more expensive

Legal – Dé partement amé yankee of justice should engage a procé last antitrust &worsen; l’ opposition d’ Apple and of five houses d’ é dition for agreement on the price of the books é lectronic, thus fixing prices more é levé S for the most sold books, with the dé pens thus of the purchasers.

A©lectroniques books are one of the marchA©s ciblA©s by Apple. But to charm shares of marchA© has  its competitor, Amazon, Apple Na?? does not seem it has respectA© the rA¨gles competition in the United States.

It would be in any case the da conclusion?? a enquA? you of DA©partement amA©ricain of justice the Wall Street Journal pays. According to sources, the antitrust division of DoJ should thus engage a procA©dure has  ?? opposition da?? Apple and of five houses da?? A©dition for its?? With? tre heard on the price of a©lectroniques books.

Of let us soupA§ons D `obstacle has  competition also in Europe

A©diteurs which would have? tre continued, with the cA/tA©s da?? Apple, are HarperCollins Publishers, Hachette Book Group, Macmillan Publishers, Penguin Group and Simon &Schuster. It would be to them reprochA© an illicit agreement on the prices, prA©judiciable with the consumer since this agreement prA©voirait of on the online shop da?? Apple for the most sold works.

It would be tariffing officialisA©e by Apple has  ?? occasion of the launching of?? iPad, which would be directly in the collimator of the rA©gulator amA©ricain has?? but also europA©en which and A©diteurs D `obstacle has  competition.

This modA¨le its?? is imposA© like a standard in the sector. But in my? me would time, it have resulted in an price increase of the books and would have also caused da?? to prohibit has  Amazon, large rival da?? Apple, to propose handing-over consA©quentes.

May 29, 2012 at 4:12 pm Leave a comment

Hadopi and human rights: an European Commissioner questions himself, Hadopi aggravates

DA©bat – At the time d’ a dé beats on ACTA, the police chief europé in Karel De Gucht s’ is interrogé on the compatibilité between the response gradué E franç ease and the protection of the rights of l’ Man. A questioning accomodated by a communiqué condescending of Hadopi.

If the government franA§ais completely da seems dA©sintA©resser?? ACTA, a traitA© that France however does have signA© and who is highly, members of Hadopi them Na?? do not have manquA© to raise a sentence during discussions has  Brussels.

At the time da?? a sA©ance with the Parliament retransmise in vidA©o, Karel De Gucht, Police chief europA©en with the Trade, on the compatibilitA© between the law CrA©ation and Internet and the protection of the rights of?? Man.

a text validA© by the Constitutional council rA©plic Hadopi

the dA©clarations of Karel De Gucht are not tombA©es in?? ear da?? a deaf person. Does Hadopi have my? me?? fine ear puisqua?? it has rA©agi by the means da?? of press in which it dA©clare to have “took note with deep A©tonnement of the remarks of the Police chief. With”

For Hadopi, has “serious interrogations has” of the police chief europA©en rA©clament has “certain A©claircissements has”. And according to High the autoritA©, the response graduA©e does not constitute an attack has  the protection of the rights of?? Man with the reason that the Council da?? State and the Constitutional council has validA© the device (aprA¨s however in 2009).

has “?? Does Hadopi conclude dA¨s at the time the dA©clarations susvisA©es cannot have like origin qua?? insufficient information of the Police chief De Gucht on the device franA§ais and is held has  does the provision of this last for him prA©senter more in dA©tail the contents of its missions have” proposes?? autoritA© franA§aise.

May 29, 2012 at 4:11 pm Leave a comment

May 2012