Internet Explorer 6, a navigator who dies has small, small, fire

May 17, 2012 at 3:37 pm Leave a comment

Figures – the share of marché d’ Internet Explorer 6, version lancé E in 2001, is passé E under 1% in the United States. What to open champagne according to Microsoft, mê me if IE6, on a world level, is always &worsen; 7% and if its dé covering joint is more the fact of the poussé E of Firefox and Chromium that new Internet Explorer versions.

It with the hard life, a little has  ?? image of Windows XP. Finally a little less dA©sormais. Left in aoA” T 2001, Internet Explorer 6 Na?? however did not completely disappear from the radars. The fault, mainly, has  Microsoft, which during annA©es dA©veloppement has stoppA© all on the navigator.

But?? Does A©ditor see can-HAVe? tre finally the end of the tunnel. And it does not miss da?? elsewhere not to announce it by cA©lA©brant the passage under the threshold of the 1% da?? Internet Explorer 6. At least in the United States. Because on a world level, IE6 survives, has  very of my? me. C `is more than the share of marchA© of Safari. Does death thus have?? anguish entA? tA©ea? ¦

Internet Explorer 6 persists, the fault has  Microsoft

Qua?? imports, in, Roger Capriotti, marketing director da?? Internet Explorer, fA©licite owing to the fact that the United States does appear dA©sormais themselves among the few countries oA? Did IE6 trA©passe under the 1% da?? use.

the US ones join thus?? Austria, Poland, SuA¨de, Denmark, Finland and NorvA¨ge. It should be also said that in several of these my? don’t my countries, Internet Explorer make da?? A©tincelles according to the figures of.

In Finland, Austria and Poland, it is classified derriA¨re Firefox in share of marchA©. Does all confused versions, it do better in SuA¨de, in Denmark and in NorvA¨ge, without however dA©passer the 45%, malgrA©?? importance of the Windows park.

driving alternative navigators of the dA©clin

Pas its” R thus that the dA©clin da?? IE6 has  to see with does the efforts of Microsoft, but hold da?? access has  ?? rise of the alternative navigators – and with the renewal of the PC. Roger Capriotti Na?? between step in?? analyzes, cA©lA©brant the funA©railles da?? IE6 around da?? gA? teau estampillA© HTML 5 and inviting the Net surfers has  to adopt has “a modern navigator like IE8 or IE9 has”.


Microsoft has dA©jA  several campaigns marketing (in 2011) has  its credit dirigA©es against the navigator dying man, of which it will however ensure the support jusqua?? in 2014. Thus in May 2010, Ca?? is the Australian subsidiary company which its?? is attelA©e has  the spot with through da?? on line, making parallA¨lement A©loge of the sA©curitA© da?? Internet Explorer 8. With 

In dA©cembre 2011, according to StatCounter, Internet Explorer 6 A©tait has  PDM in Australia. However, this version of the software had dA©jA  practically disappeared da?? Internet one year more tA/t with a rate da?? use of 2,69%.

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May 2012